Power of Anonymity

The power of being anonymous
I wonder what it means to be totally anonymous. Give nothing away other than these blogs. Without a face nor a name. Like God.
The first thing that strikes you is the tremendous freedom you enjoy. You could write about anything. Just anything. You can wear a mask and be anyone. Those of you who have had the fortune to study 'Lord of the Flies' would remember Jack and his 'masked' hunters. You really can be anyone. A zen student. A rapist. Or the sensual driver that i am! Anyone.
Second, the reader listens. I mean, actually 'listens'. Attentively. Because he or she has no clue as to the identity of the person. Each word is read as is known by the reader and not as 'written by so and so'. You have only words. The person is revealed only through words. Thus, the charm lasts forever.
As i mentioned before, once you figure out somebody, you categorize and shelf the writer, the power he wields is gone. Think about any favourite writer or director or singer. Anyone who has mesmerized you. First, you are bowled over by him. But instead continuing in that trance, you wanna know more. The desire to understand takes you further. Usually you start to dig his social and private life. You wanna know whether he had extra marital relations. You wanna know whether he is black..... And as you do, you categorize.....you think you suddenly know him and the reasons for each line he writes or the films he has directed. Havent you seen reviews that dissect a work with it's writer's life.

Look, I lost my love for Rafi when i heard that he was so materialistic in life. Got you there! See if you did not know that till now and you hear that, the fasination starts to fade, right? (now, did i just make that one up?)

Somehow we have to 'understand' everything that we come across, right? That too, on our own terms. Somehow we cannot let things just be. The magic remains, the wonder remains. Can't we be like children.
You know what. My daughter (i guess anyone's too) can watch a fairy tale like for the whole day and still wanna hear her mama tell the same story to sleep.

That's not being dumb, dear. That's zen!

Or maybe have you noticed, when you listen to great song (just your type) for the first time, it overwhelms you. You suffocate. Yet when you figure out the words and starts to sing along, the magic is long gone. The charm and mystery is lost for ever once you dissect and rip apart. The band 'Enigma' was a good example.

So? I took a vow to remain anonymous. Great! But..., haven't you noticed. I dont have single follower till date !! Wonderful.The power of being anonymous.

A zen master once asked,
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
Me being anonymous but no readers? Does it still make me anonymous? Anonymous to whom?

Does it matter? (In case, you haven't noticed. That's my name)


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