Driving Fast

Until lately i was under the impression that i can in fact drive slowly! but just this once, let me drive fast, please....

Well, what do others have to say about my driving?
Needless to say, dad's incessant advice to see reason ('What do you gain by getting home a few minutes earlier?') fall on deaf ears. My mom reminds me of my daughters when i gun the machine. Luckily, my wife does not say a word when i am pushing the limits. Somehow she has realized it's no use. My mother in law says it is like travelling on a boat. You swing and sway (and pray)! Even my daughter hates her dad's driving.

Now, getting to the destination ahead of time, setting records are certainly not reasons to drive fast. They are only your intial excuses. Though you don't show it, you do feel proud when someone comments on your 'rashness' or boldness (whichever way he sees it). But when you get on the bed to sleep, people's comments do make you feel guilty. Was i really rash and stupid today? Sometimes this selfdoubt sents down a chill as you mentally replay the scene.
Often i have taken resolutions to drive at recommended levels and believe me here, i even tried. But after a while it hits you. I honestly dunno. When you are out there, you dunno how the confidence sets in. Though the replays at home does worry, it is so strange that when you are driving it is so 'clear' that there was only one thing to do at that moment.

Ok. Let me face it. I just can't drive slowly. And I am no longer guilty about it too. Finally when i was done analyzing it, i realized that in fact there is no 'The Way' to drive a machine. Ironic it may seem, but you really are more comfortable and a lot safer driving fast. Well, if emotions don't come in the way, you stay focused and relaxed.

It's odd but it is true. They never teach you to drive fast in those schools. It's in your very nature that you easily pick up. Driving means driving fast only. Nothing else makes sense. All along, i guess i have been picking up such little lessons, totally oblivious, on how to drive fast. Because, that's me or my style.

Like Jason Bourne says in 'The Bourne Identity', when he enters a hotel and he scans the room and occupants, he can tell the exit paths, read people mind and intensions. Well, let me not dramatize, i may not be a Bourne myself but at a much lower scale, when i hit road, i can pick 'gaps' very easily (btw, i am talking of Indian roads), i can invade other's spaces without taking too much offense, i can take accurate calls on when to take my chances etc.

It is not because it was taught to me. The same dude taught my sister and i know what she does. Each driving hour, each incident sharpens your skill. I mean the 'unconscious' skill or 'want' to drive fast. Negating it by deliberately or consciously driving slow is the very negation of you. It suffocates you.

You simply dont understand why you shouldn't take that 'chance' you just saw before you, even though the rest of the onlookers felt it was rash. I am reminded of the compliment ('gutsiest move i ever saw, man!') given to Tom Cruise's flying in Top Gun.

Think about it. Some people can see, feel and solve the puzzle that might seem magic or rash to others. Maybe it is something innate in them that helps to spot it or it's their relentless pursuit and training to spot it. Like i once blogged earlier, it is like 'time and space' is different for different people. Skillset matters. It is indeed like Gilchrist making mince meat of bowlers. Picking gaps at will.

Unfortunately we see only rashness or magic depending on our inclination. Yeah, cheer Gilchrist while drown me in advice!
